Anthony Isaacs is a Private Rheumatologist who specialised in Rheumatology at University College London Hospital and the Royal Free Hospital. He was a winner of the Barbara Ansell prize during his training. He was recognised for the quality of his care with a clinical excellence award in 2020.
In his NHS practice he is the Head of Rheumatology at London North West University Healthcare Trust. He has specialist clinics in Autoimmune Inflammatory Muscle Disease (Myositis) and Psoriatic Arthritis, and sees a large volume of patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout as well as rare autoimmune rheumatic diseases . He undertakes clinical research into inflammatory muscle disorders and is an investigator in several ongoing National Institute of Health studies into Myositis and Lupus.
He is a Member of the Royal College of Physicians, and in his clinical practice he has extensive experience in treating a wide range of general and rare musculoskeletal, autoimmune and rheumatic disorders.
He was awarded a Bachelor of Science by the University of St Andrews, and Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery by the University of Manchester.
He has several clinical and research leadership roles as the LNWUH Rheumatology lead for clinical governance, audit and research, Chair of the North West London Rheumatology sector hospitals clinical leads' group and is a member of the North West London IVIG NHSE specialised panel. He is the former London North West Trust Rheumatology lead for the departmental postgraduate education programme.
He is known to be compassionate, approachable and a good listener.
He has Private Rheumatologist practices at Spire Bushey Hospital, The Clementine Churchill Hospital in Harrow and Bishops Wood Hospital in Northwood. He also offers private Rheumatology appointments at TRUSTPLUS private floor at Northwick Park.